Early Years SEND training programme
We are delighted to share that East Riding has been selected, as one of a small number of local authorities, to participate in the Dingley’s Promise Early Years Inclusion Project.
The project is funded by Comic Relief and has a simple aim:
To increase the number of young children with SEND accessing early years and childcare places.
Dingley’s Promise offer a free online training programme for the whole of the early year's workforce, across education, health and social care.
The 5 courses currently available are:
• An introduction to early years inclusive practice
• Early years transitions
• Voice of the child
• Managing behaviours that challenge
• Having difficult conversations with parents
It is anticipated that a further 2 courses will be available later this year/beginning of next year with an additional 3 courses being developed over the next 3 years.
The training aims to empower early years practitioners to deliver fully inclusive practice through sharing ideas, information and learning resources. This will develop confidence in recognising the differing needs of children and supporting the learning and well-being of all children in their setting.
The training will enhance our existing Early Years Inclusion Team training offer. We encourage everyone to take advantage of this excellent opportunity and Area SENCos will refer to the training during visits, training and SENCo Cluster meetings. The training is open to everyone in the early years workforce in East Riding and is a great way to ensure ongoing continued professional development.
Please use the following link to access the training: HERE
Please contact your Area SENCo if you require further information and/or support.
The Area SENCo Team can be contacted by emailing eyst@eastriding.gov.uk
A detailed Briefing Note for the Dingley’s Promise Comic Relief Early Years Inclusion Project is available in the SEND folder on the Knowledge Hub.