Infectious Disease Reporting Process

Reporting Notifiable & Infectious Diseases

Details and a reminder below of our reporting system for notifiable and infectious diseases through our Public Health Team- they will report any cases to Public Health England negating the statutory requirement for you to do so.

As part of our ongoing support for our settings, Public Health working with the Families Information Service and the Early Years Team have developed such systems to aid our ability to understand the changing level of disease and respond quickly to protect the population- and so we are asking you to notify us of communicable diseases, such are coronavirus, influenza and others; full list here.

The below link is a simple form which enables us to capture information from you about the case, their contacts and risk assess the situation. Public Health colleagues and the Early Years Team, working together where needed, will then be able to offer the advice and support to you and the family.

Following feedback from providers, the form has been streamlined to make is quicker and easier to be able to report a case

The link is live, and we ask please that all childcare settings report cases via this.

If you require further general advice or a call-back, please contact our colleagues through the Education Public Health Officers via email