East Riding Libraries 

East Riding Libraries is a council managed service providing free access to knowledge and entertainment. The expert team of librarians and support staff keep an eye on what the East Riding enjoys reading. They ensure all 23 branch libraries, and the fleet of mobile libraries are well stocked with current, popular and classic fiction and non-fiction titles.

On top of reading, libraries host weekly, monthly and annual events such as interest groups, reading groups, children's activities and computer skills.

See what activities and events are running near you here

Is the Library free to join?

Yes, it is free to join the library. Join online or in branch, all you need is a valid ID.

Join the library (external council website)

Who can use a Library?

Anybody can join East Riding Libraries, as long as you can take ID to your local library to pick up your membership card. Library computers, public wi-fi, reading tables, groups and events can be used by anyone.

You do not need to be a member, however, joining is free and has many benefits, including discounts at council-owned cafes.

What can I borrow?

East Riding Libraries has thousands of fiction and non-fiction books to choose from. There are also large print, audiobooks, DVDs and Micro:bits. You can also borrow and download eBooks, eAudiobooks, eMagazines and eNewspapers from the digital library. Visit the East Riding Libraries website to find out about all the services available.

East Riding Digital Library (external council website)
Visit the Library Catalogue (external council website)

What other services are available?

East Riding Libraries have printing and photocopying services, free public Wi-Fi and free to use computers. There are also community notice boards for local groups to advertise meetings and events (max A4).

You can self-access many council services at libraries by using the free People's Network computers or by using your own device and our free WiFi. Many libraries are now within Multi-Service Centres with integrated customer services who have specialist advisors to help you.

You can pick up caddy liners at all libraries.

Some libraries have meeting rooms that you can book (charges apply).

East Riding Libraries provide a range of self-help and wellbeing information and guidance. This ranges from books on prescription to Dementia and Alzheimer's support groups and reminiscence sessions.

For more services at East Riding Libraries, visit the website.

What upcoming groups, events and activities are running?

View the upcoming calender of events activities for all the family 