News for Early Years Providers

Moving to Monthly Payments

From September 2024 we are moving to monthly payment. As a provider you do not need to do anything different from the current procedures. Therefore, you will still need to submit estimates and a headcount in the periods already advised. Please see below how it will work.

How will it work?

Payments are to be based on 100% of the Estimate you submit. This will be split over the period months in the term:
  • 4 months for Autumn 2024
  • 3 months for Spring 2025
  • 5 months for Summer 2025

With the final payment of the term being the 'correcting' payment based on Headcount information

However, if you do not submit or do not wish to submit an estimate then you will receive a one off payment once headcount is completed, it will be issued in the “correcting payment” outlined above.


Early Years Pupil Premium and Disability Access Fund paid with the final “correcting payment” based on headcount information.
When will you receive payments:

TermPayment fromDate of Payments
Autumn 2024September to December
  • 1st Monday of the month specifically for 3 and 4 year old funding
  • 1st Wednesday of the month specifically for 2 year old funding
  • 1st Friday of the month specifically for under 2s funding
Spring 2025January to March
  • 1st Monday of the month specifically for 3 and 4 year old funding
  • 1st Wednesday of the month specifically for 2 year old funding
  • 1st Friday of the month specifically for under 2s funding
Summer 2025April to August
  • 1st Monday of the month specifically for 3 and 4 year old funding
  • 1st Wednesday of the month specifically for 2 year old funding
  • 1st Friday of the month specifically for under 2s funding
A scenario for the Autumn Term:

For the Autumn term, Childcare Provider submitted estimates of:

  • 1,950 hours for 3 and 4 year old funding,
  • 780 hours of 2 year old funding
  • 195 hours for 9 month + old funding.
As the Autumn term covers four months (September through to December), the first 3 months will be based on the Estimate total split over 4 payments, with the December payment being the correcting payment month.

The calculation would be Total Estimated Hours x Hourly Rate for Age Group / total payments for the period.

The payments made would be for September, October and November:

  • 1st Monday of the month 1,950 x £5.18 / 4 = £2,525.25 per month (£7,575.75 in total)
  • 1st Wednesday of the month 780 x £7.15 / 4 = £1,394.25 per month (£4,182.75 in total)
  • 1st Friday of the month 195 x £9.71 / 4 = £473.36 per month (£1,420.08 in total)
The provider would receive £4,392.86 monthly, with £13,178.58 received for the first 3 months.

For the December payment, based on the Headcount data, the following was submitted:

  • 2,340 hours for 3 and 4 year old funding
  • 540 hours for 2 year old funding
  • 195 hours for 9 month + funding.
This results in the following calculation:

  • 1st Monday of the month 2,340 x £5.18 - £7,575.75 = £4,545.45
  • 1st Wednesday of the month 540 x £7.15 - £4,182.75 = -£321.75 (this will be recovered on the first Spring term payment)
  • 1st Friday of the month £195 x £9.71 - £1,420.08 = £473.37
Early Years Pupil Premium & Disability Access Funding will also be paid in December based on the Headcount data.