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Holiday Activities & Food
This Easter holidays, there is a host of free, fun, creative activities for children and young people receiving benefits related free school meals. The sessions will take place across the East Riding and include musical themed dance workshops, Easter crafts, sports camp as well as outdoor adventure sessions and farm experiences.
Sessions are available to book through Plinth, the centralised booking system at
or by using the QR code below from
Friday 14th March at 8am
New to the programme this year include horse riding lessons, yoga and mindfulness, roller disco, archery and Shetland pony interactions. There is a greater number of programmes just for young people, and pupils with SEND can enjoy the new aerial hi-ropes adventure in Bridlington.
The activities are all part of the Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme, which is funded by the Department for Education, and is primarily aimed at those aged between five and 16, and who are in receipt of benefits-related free school meals. A limited number of places are also available to children and young people who have an education, health and care plan (EHCP), regardless of their free school meals status.
If parent require 1:1 support for their child, they are asked to book with the provider and then speak to them to identify the support they can offer. If parents feel their child needs additional help to enjoy the session, please contact the HAF team at haf@eastriding to request a 1:1 form. Please note that if parents do not have a package of support by direct payments already in place or the provider doesn’t have trained bank staff, sourcing a support worker may take some time and is not guaranteed. We will be considering applications in date order up until Thursday 20th March. Any requests received after that day may not be processed in time for the holidays.
The majority of sessions are four hours long and each child and young person can book up to four sessions for free in the Easter holidays, subject to availability. Places are booked on a first come, first served basis.
Sign up to the newsletter to be the first to hear about the programme at
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