East Riding Public Health Updates

Update to Education Public Health Support for all East Riding Education and Early Years Settings.

From August 2024, the work provided by the education public Health officers will be delivered directly by the public health team at East Riding of Yorkshire Council.

The council will continue to offer public health support, however, the way you access this is changing.

Please send all future queries or support requests to:


Please continue to access HERE For Schools for the latest guidance, CPD, resources and information.

This will include health protection specifically outbreak guidance, and support for all education and early years settings in East Riding as well as health improvement work such as the healthy schools award, tobacco control (including vaping), and emotional wellbeing.

As of 19 July 2024 the cfsinfo@eastriding.gov.uk email and the CFS phone support service will no longer be monitored/available.

Please ensure all future enquiries are directed to healthprotection@eastriding.gov.uk

Here is a reminder of key contacts for other queries should they arise:

Nature of enquiryContact
Health protection:

• infectious disease transmission in the setting

• outbreak of infectious disease

• prevention and control of disease

School-delivered vaccinationshullandeastriding@v-uk.co.uk

01482 453690

Public protection:

• water-borne illness

• food-borne illness

• parasites

• animal-related disease

Food-related concernsFood.services@eastriding.gov.uk
Animal concernsAnimal.health@eastriding.gov.uk
School nursing and health visiting team (ISPHNS)01482 689689

Details here
Healthy schools awardhealthprotection@eastriding.gov.uk
Education welfare and pupil attendanceEducation.welfare@eastriding.gov.uk
Road safetyRoad.safety.training@eastriding.gov.uk
Emergency procedures and planningSam Tomkins - Head of Education Commercialism, Policy and Compliance -samantha.tomkins@eastriding.gov.uk

Lauren Newham - Safety Officer - lauren.newham@eastriding.gov.uk

Severe weatherIncident alert team: 01482 392999

National DFE incident.alert@education.gov.uk

Safeguarding concernssafeguardingineducation@eastriding.gov.uk   
Temporary staffing needssupply.service@eastriding.gov.uk
Press office for advice about managing communication for critical incidents (Press office support only applies if you have a service level agreement). Public health/health protection communication advice, healthprotection@eastriding.gov.uk

01482 391440 or pressoffice@eastriding.gov.uk

Health and safetyHealth.safety@eastriding.gov.uk

07951 413828

Occupational health07825917979

Chris and Mark (educational public health officers) would like to thank you for your continued support and contributions. Your actions throughout the pandemic and the role you played in mitigating risk within your settings led to the highest attendance rates post-covid in the country, and your support in the immunisation programmes in schools has protected the school communities and been the highest rating in the country too.