SEND: Delivered by the Early Years Inclusion Team

Course Booking Instructions

Only 2 places per settings are able to booked per course at this stage unless otherwise stated, if further places are required you will be placed on a waiting list and contacted nearer the date if you have been allocated any additional places.

To book a place on any of the courses in this programme please complete a registration form HERE
Use one form per course adding up to 2 attendees and up to 5 colleagues wishing to be placed on a waiting list.

You will receive information a few days before the course with joining instructions and information about how to access the follow up information via the Early Years Knowledge Hub.

Should you require any support with a course booking please email the training team direct

Early Years SEND training programme

We are delighted to share that East Riding has been selected, as one of a small number of local authorities, to participate in the Dingley’s Promise Early Years Inclusion Project.

The project is funded by Comic Relief and has a simple aim:

To increase the number of young children with SEND accessing early years and childcare places.

Dingley’s Promise offer a free online training programme for the whole of the early year's workforce, across education, health and social care.

The 5 courses currently available are:

• An introduction to early years inclusive practice

• Early years transitions

• Voice of the child

• Managing behaviours that challenge

• Having difficult conversations with parents

It is anticipated that a further 2 courses will be available later this year/beginning of next year with an additional 3 courses being developed over the next 3 years.

The training aims to empower early years practitioners to deliver fully inclusive practice through sharing ideas, information and learning resources. This will develop confidence in recognising the differing needs of children and supporting the learning and well-being of all children in their setting.
The training will enhance our existing Early Years Inclusion Team training offer. We encourage everyone to take advantage of this excellent opportunity and Area SENCos will refer to the training during visits, training and SENCo Cluster meetings. The training is open to everyone in the early years workforce in East Riding and is a great way to ensure ongoing continued professional development.

Please use the following link to access the training: HERE

Please contact your Area SENCo if you require further information and/or support.

The Area SENCo Team can be contacted by emailing
A detailed Briefing Note for the Dingley’s Promise Comic Relief Early Years Inclusion Project is available in the SEND folder on the Knowledge Hub.

Early Years SENCo Cluster Meetings

Meetings may include input from a particular service area or information on a topic of current interest.

These are your meetings so we are keen to structure them to meet your needs and facilitate discussion on issues that are relevant and important to you.

To do this, we need you to tell us what you would like to be included in the meetings and suggest changes to the format offered, if there is a more effective way of delivery.
The agenda will be circulated prior to the meeting – please contact your Area SENCo if you have any items you wish to be included on the agenda or alternatively email to

Target audience: Existing and potential Early Years SENCos.

Date: Tuesday 8th October 2024
Time: 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Venue: via Microsoft Teams

Date: Wednesday 9th October 2024 - Early Session
Time: 8:00am - 9:00am
Venue: via Microsoft Teams
Please note: When booking this date please state if you wish to be added to the Early or Evening Session

Date: Wednesday 9th October 2024 - Evening Session
Time: 6:30pm - 7:30pm
Venue: via Microsoft Teams
Please note: When booking this date please state if you wish to be added to the Early or Evening Session

Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) Workshop - Reviews

This is a single session workshop covering the processes and actions necessary from identifying that a child may require an EHCP to the ongoing requirements once an EHCP has been issued. Some of this is statutory so it is important to know the legal obligations of having a child in your setting with an EHCP. The workshop provides an opportunity to engage in practical activities to develop and support understanding.

• To develop an understanding and purpose of EHCPs and the processes involved
• To develop knowledge of the legislation relating to EHCPs
• To consider when an EHCP may be appropriate and the supporting evidence required.
• To increase practitioner knowledge and confidence in requesting EHCPs and completing reviews

This course is not available this term, if you would like to attend one please contact your EYDA/Area SENCo who will feed this back to the Training Group.

Portage Workshop

This workshop introduces participants to the small steps approach to learning for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities which is the basis of the Portage model. The workshop contains the following modules:
• The Portage Model and its relevance to Early Years settings
• Helping children to learn:
o Using Clear Language
o Planning for Success
o Small Steps Approach
• Examples of Planning, Recording and Sharing
• Supporting the Development of Play
• Positive Approaches to Children’s Behaviour
The National Portage Association (NPA) sets the core curriculum of this Portage Workshop. At least one member of the presenting team for the workshop is an accredited trainer with the National Portage Association.

• To develop knowledge of the Portage Principles and model of support
• To consider how the Portage model can be incorporated when working with children with SEND and their families
• To analyse a range of materials and resources which may be useful when working with children with SEND
• To develop an understanding of the small steps approach to learning
• To understand why play is so important and consider how the development of play can be supported in children with SEND
• To develop an understanding of why some behaviours occur and how they can be changed
• To develop confidence to apply skills learned on the course in the workplace

Target audience: Parents of children currently accessing Portage, practitioners working in early years settings, Children’s Centre staff, practitioners working with early years children with SEND.
Dates: Tuesday 17th September, Tuesday 15th October and Tuesday 12th November 2024.
Time: 9.30am to 4.00pm
Venue: Anlaby Children Centre, First Lane, Anlaby HU10 6UE
Please note: This is a 3 part course and participants must attend all 3 sessions.

Target audience: Parents of children currently accessing Portage, practitioners working in early years settings, Children’s Centre staff, practitioners working with early years children with SEND.
Dates: Monday 20th January, Monday 10th February and Monday 17th March 2025.
Time: 9.30am to 4.00pm
Venue: BF77 County Hall, Cross Street, Beverley, HU17 9BA
Please note: This is a 3 part course and participants must attend all 3 sessions.

Role of the SENCO

Session 1: Understanding your responsibilities in supporting children with SEND
Aims of session:
• To define inclusion, special educational needs and disability (SEND)
• To develop knowledge of the SEND Code of Practice
• To understand the role of the Early Years SENCo
• To increase awareness of East Riding policies and procedures for SEND support

Session 2: Early Years Support
Aims of session:
• To strengthen partnership working with families
• To develop practice in working with other professionals
• To increase understanding of Early Years Support

Session 3: Early Intervention and delivering quality inclusive provision
Aims of session:
• To develop provision to ensure that it is inclusive
• To develop practise in providing targeted termly support plans for those children identified with Special Educational Needs and/or disabilities (SEND)

Target audience: Owners/Managers and SENCOs but open to all practitioners and Children’s Centre Staff.
Dates: Monday 11th, Monday 18th, Monday 25th November 2024
Time: 6.30pm to 9.00pm 
Venue: North Library, Martongate, Bridlington, YO16 6YD

Please note: This course consists of 3 sessions and all 3 sessions must be attended.

SEND Help Clinics for Early Years Practitioners

As part of our commitment to supporting practitioners across the Local Authority from a wide range of settings and localities we are launching a new supportive clinic focusing on SEND.
 These clinics will be facilitated by the Area SENCO team and will involve small groups designed to allow practitioners to share questions or concerns in a safe, confidential and supportive space. No children will be named or identifiable during the meeting to ensure confidentiality.
 There will be an opportunity to share ideas and ask any questions you may have regarding supporting children with SEND.

This course is not available this term, if you would like to attend one please contact your EYDA/Area SENCo who will feed this back to the Training Group.

Sensory Workshop

Sensory processing is the way that our brain sorts out sensory information so we understand the world and can manage our everyday life. For most children the development of their sensory processing (sometimes called integration) occurs as part of their normal development and they learn to respond appropriately to sounds, smells, movement etc.

We all have some sensory processing differences. As long as we can manage to take part in the things we want and need to do these sensory processing differences don’t matter or need support. For some children their sensory development is delayed or disordered, and they struggle to take part in everyday childhood experiences.

In this workshop we will explore the different senses, an introduction to sensory processing, and look at strategies and resources to help you to better understand your child’s sensory processing preferences and challenges so that you can support them at setting, at home and in the community.

This course is not available this term, if you would like to attend one please contact your EYDA/Area SENCo who will feed this back to the Training Group.

Support Plan Workshop

Practitioners will have the opportunity to gain practical experience of completing a Support Plan based on a selection of case studies. Discussion with practitioners from other settings and the workshop facilitators will help to develop and support understanding of what a good support plan looks like and why this is important.
• To understand the purpose and function of the Support Plan
• To understand how to agree objectives and targets
• To understand how to use the format in an Early Years Family Meeting
• To be clear on what to include in a Support Plan and how to write this
• To be clear on how a Support Plan is crucial to the amended AIS requests process

Target audience: SENCO’s, childminders, any staff supporting children with SEND.
Date: Friday 18th October 2024
Time: 9:30am to 12:00pm
Venue: via Microsoft Teams

Understanding Behaviour

This workshop helps practitioners to explore behaviour issues, identify ways of managing behaviour and understand how to promote healthy and positive behaviour climates in their setting. By understanding the ways behaviour can present in the Early Years and the associated communication needs a child may have, we can identify the best support practices to help children to self-regulate and be more comfortable.
The aims of the behaviour workshop:
• To review knowledge and understanding of behaviour in the Early Years
• To reflect on feelings about behaviour and behaviour management in your setting
• To look at how we can engage children, the language we use and practical solutions and strategies for effective behaviour support

This course is not available this term, if you would like to attend one please contact your EYDA/Area SENCo who will feed this back to the Training Group.