Wraparound Childcare
In the Spring Budget in March 2023 the government announced an investment of £289m for a national wraparound programme, to achieve our ambition of supporting all families who need it to access wraparound childcare from 8am to 6pm.
Wraparound childcare is childcare that ‘wraps around’ the conventional school day. This provision can be offered by schools and private, voluntary, and independent (PVI) providers (including childminders and early years settings) and can be run on a school site or at another setting in the area. It should not require parents to pick their children up from school and drop them off at another location.

The principal aim of the programme is to ensure childcare provision is regular, has longer hours and is more dependable for working parents. Within these parameters, there may be opportunities where enrichment activities can interact with, complement, or support delivery of wraparound childcare provision.

As a Local Authority we have a named lead for this project:
Sue Smith – Early Years Team Manager (East Riding Day Nurseries)
Email: earlyyearsteammanagement@eastriding.gov.uk

Sue will be leading the project with the help of two full time Early Years Development Advisors (EYDA) – to be appointed. (Work is currently ongoing to employ the new staff)

The EYDA’s will be mapping the current provision and finding the gaps, organising surveys of parents to assess the needs within the East Riding, and working on support, advice and guidance to Providers, Schools and Childminder already providing wraparound care. They will support Providers and School to set up new provision if required. They will work in collaboration with our EYDA who supports new Childminders to register with Ofsted.

They will also be writing and providing training if needed to the setting on an ongoing basis.
To start this process the Local Authority will be sending out a short survey for Providers, Childminders and Schools to complete shortly after Easter this will be based on what the Department of Education would like to know now about our current provision and plans to develop more provision if needed.

We have two meetings booked for Providers and Childminders to attend to discuss the matter further with the Local Authority and would ask you, if possible, to attend if you already offer wraparound care or are considering doing so in the future. Please see the dates below:

Wrap Around – Development of places- ChildmindersVirtualTeamsTue 09/04/20247.00 – 8.30pmSue Smith , Annette Drury, Kat Berry, 
Wrap Around – Development of places- Group providersVirtualTeamsThur 11/04/20247.00 – 8.30pmPaul Herbert, Michelle Plummer & Sue Thompson
Booking - For further information on these Meetings and to book a place please visit the
East Riding Family Service Directory (FSD) HERE

Sue Smith
Early Years Team Manager